German Plant Protection Conference 2023

Somewhat belatedly, we would like to inform that our team participated in the 63rd German Plant Protection Conference, held at Göttingen University from September 26th to September 29th, 2023. During the conference, we had the opportunity to present and discuss our ongoing research through 13 contributions and co-authoring several more. Additionally, we had the pleasure of establishing new contacts during the social evening, while enjoying a few refreshing beverages. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to our dedicated Ph.D. student, Jana Uthoff, for winning a well-deserved poster prize. Furthermore, we would like to extend our congratulations to Linda Muskat for being awarded the prestigious Young Talent prize by the German Phytomedical Society, in recognition of her outstanding dissertation on the “Development of Attract and Kill Formulations for Biological Psyllid Pest Control.”