Annual meeting of “Biological Plant Protection” of the German Phytomedical Society

After one cancellation and two online gatherings, the annual meeting of the working group “Biological Plant Protection” of the German Phytomedical Society finally took place in person again. The atmosphere was lively when about 50 representatives from science and industry met in Dossenheim to inform about and discuss new trends and technologies in plant protection. Celina, Monja and Robin, three of our PhD students, each gave a talk about the formulation of a sugar, a virus, and fungal spores, respectively.

The Thursday session of talks was followed by a dinner in a nearby restaurant, giving birth to stimulating discussions. One of the main topics discussed was the long duration and the high costs of the approval for new biological products in Europe. One of the aims of the final discussion was to connect more with the other working groups from the German Phytomedical Society.